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Title: Laboratori
Artist: Alessandro Calabrese / Nacho Caravila / Roger Guaus / Reinis Lismanis / Aleix Pladamunt / Dani Pujalte / Estela Sanchís / Laura Torres Bauzà / Juan Diego Valera
Designer: Estudy Bicoté
Editor: Ca l’Isidret edicions
Imprint: Ca l’Isidret edicions
Printer: Impremta daví – Vic (Barcelona) Catalunya
Publication date and place: April 2015 / Barcelona
Edition: 300
Format: binding: doubled & black stitching
Size: 23 x 32 cm
Number of pages and images: 36 pages / interior + 4 cober
Type of printing and paper: cober paper courious matter ibizenca sand 270 g 1 + 0 offset / interior paper 70 g offset gloss paper 1 + 1 black tint + varnish offset
Retail price: €25

Book Description: Laboratory is a photographic project created by nine authors during four days at Ca l’isidret. Born from a desire to work under the concept of laboratorium as a space for research and experimentation, this publication gathers some of the obtained interpretations.

Book Soundtrack:

  • Title: Laboratori
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