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Rejected by Gary Cohen

Title: Rejected
Artist: Gary Cohen

Additional contributor: N/A
Designer: Gary Cohen
Editor: Gary Cohen
Imprint: Streetographer
Printer: Ivory Graphics, Cambridgeshire, UK
Publication date and place: November, 2015, Paris Photo (Offprint)
Edition: 50
Format, binding: Deck of cards
Size:  12.2 x 7.4 x 2
Number of pages and images: 54 cards
Type of printing and paper: Plastic coated, 270/395um Zanta Games Board
Retail price: €20 / £15

Book Description: With my personal life in shambles, a friend recommended that I try my luck on Tinder. I told him that I didn’t think I was good looking enough to be on a platform that’s all about looks, but I gave it a try nonetheless. Over two months I liked 1,000 profiles and had 0 matches. These are some of those rejections.

Book Soundtrack:

  • Title: Rejected
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