Title: Phenomena
Artist: Sara Brincher Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen and Tobias Selnæs Markussen
Additional contributor: Steven Dalton for voyager-photograph
Designer: Iron Flag
Editor: The artists and Iron Flag
Text editor: Jeppe Kondrup Adelborg
Imprint: André Frère Éditions
Printer: Brizzolis, Madrid, Spain
Publication date and place: July 2016 / Arles, France
Edition: 2000
Format, binding: Hardcover
Size: 21.5 x 28cm
Number of pages and images: 176 pages / 150 images + one leaflet and two 16 pages inserts
Type of printing and paper: Offset, Artic volume ivory 150 g for the book block and speed silk 70g for the inserts
Retail price: €42.50
Book Description: Through an investigative journey through the states of Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona, Sara Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen and Tobias Selnaes Markussen, have documented an alternative religion—a religion where neither God nor mankind is at the centre of the universe. The book examines the human need for faith through extensive research and collected data on the modern myth of ETs and UFOs. It strives to achieve an understanding of humanity’s eternal search for substance and enormous fear of meaninglessness.
Book Soundtrack:
- Title: Phenomena