- Title: Dear Artist - We Regret To Tell You
- Artist: Dana Stirling
- Imprint: Self Published
- Publication date and place: 2015 / New York, USA
- Edition: 150
- Format, binding: Screw post binding / fan book
- Size: 8 x 17 cm
- Number of pages and images: 14
- Type of printing and paper: Behr colour swatch in various shades, laser-etched text
- Retail price: 35 USD
Book description:Over the last few years, I have been sending my work to different websites, grants, publications, competitions, exhibitions and more. Alongside some great opportunities and successes, I encountered a lot of rejection. After a period of several months of rejection after rejection, I started to doubt my work and myself. I was on the bus, on my way back home, thinking about all these months that were filed with rejections. It started as kind of a joke – about making art out of rejection – and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to actually do it. While Dear Artist-We Regret To Tell You contains “only” 13 letters, I sent submissions to over 300 places in the last few years. These rejection letters are all the same; none of them are unique, special or more important than the others. This book was not made out of anger towards the rejecting places, but more from a place of trying to reclaim my passion as an artist.