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Nueva Galicia by Iván Nespereira

  • Title: Nueva Galicia
  • Artist: Iván Nespereira
  • Designer: Juan Junquera
  • Editor: Self Published
  • Printer: Grafilur, Bilbao, Spain
  • Publication date and place: July 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Edition: 500
  • Format, binding: SBR rubber softcover / Binding in wire-o
  • Size: 26 x 20.5
  • Number of pages and images: 120 pages / 70 images
  • Type of printing and paper: Offset on Arcoprint EW 140 g + Risograph 1 Ink on Motif 80 gr colour paper
  • Retail price: €40
Book description: Nueva Galicia records the songs of two movements. The rubber tree (hevea brasiliensis), 70000 seeds were transported from Brazil to England by the British explorer Henry Alexander Wickham aboard the ship 'Amazon' in 1876, which allowed the species to expand worldwide. And that of a group of Europeans who migrate to the Amazon, attracted by the economic boom that generated rubber extraction between 1850 and 1920, and which take root in different populations on the banks of the Amazon River. The research explores the past and the conflicts that arose from these two movements, recording power plays, conspiracy and betrayals in a concrete landscape. Raw material and vegetation; Tiles and remains of populations that are now jungle; Canoes, steamships and merchant ships; The forest and its representation in a botanical garden; The Amazon River and the Atlantic Ocean. Photographs, maps, geographical notes, technical manuals, cultivation manuals, geological reports, migrant identification documents, family lists and herbarium sheets.
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