- Title: Novel
- Artist: Duncan Wooldridge
- Designer: Samuel Jones
- Printer: IntypeLibra, London, UK
- Publication date and place: November 2018, London, UK
- Edition: 50
- Format, binding: Softcover, Perfect Bound
- Size: 18.3 x 11.5 cm
- Number of pages and images: 92 pages and images
- Type of printing and paper: Digital Print
- Retail price: £12
Book description:
Novel is a work of conceptual literature, a book about ghost-writing. It extracts and re-presents advertising strap-lines from popular novels - written by copywriters standing in for the novelist - to produce a book of drama and tension closely aligned to cliche. Revenge fantasies, difficult loves, traumatic childhoods and international terrorism are strung into a series of small stories.