Title of publication: The boy with the thorn in his side
Name of artist: Kohey Kanno
Design: ownself
Editor: ownself
Publication date: 2010
Place of publication: NYC United States
Edition size: 50
Format: Softcover
Size: 9 1/2″ ×7 3/8″ in
Number of pages: 18 pages
Type of printing: inkjet print
Type of paper: matte paper
Name of printer: own self
Number of pictures: 15 images
Price: retail price $18.00
Description of book: Boys in Tokyo and landscapes.
The best thing about self-publishing: There is no deadline.
Artist website: http://www.koheykanno.com/
Press website: http://knn-web.blogspot.com/search/label/press
Book Soundtrack:
- Title: The boy with the thorn in his side