Title of publication: Living in the Theme Park, Vol. 1
Name of artist: Sabrina Fernandez Casas, Ilse Frech, Quentin Lannes, Emma Souharce, Seda Yildiz.
Additional contributor/s: Urs Lehni and Stefan Wagner
Design: Self-designed
Editor: Self-edited
Series name: Living in the Theme Park
Press: HEAD – Geneva
Publication date: September 2013
Place of publication: HEAD – Geneva
Edition size: 600
Format: Hardcover
Size: 20.5 x 14.5
Number of pages: 128 pages
Type of printing: Offset-Printed
Type of paper: Coated paper
Name of printer: Self-printed at Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève
Number of pictures: 80
Price: 20 CHF / 15 Euro
Description of book: Thinking about how the elements of a theme Park are living into a singular place, this book is a collaborative project with 5 different contributions and contents, self produced/edited/printed. The book is also an alive object related to performative book-launches and new add of contents.
The best thing about self-publishing: The best thing is definitely to experiment and still editing directly on the process printing, in that case, on the offset machine.
Artist website: http://sabrinafernandezcasas.com / http//quentinlannes.com / http://emma3000.tumblr.com / http://www.ilsefrech.com / http://aynsedayildiz.tumblr.com
Press website: http://head.hesge.ch
Book soundtrack:
- Title: Living in the Theme Park, Vol 1