Title of publication: Male Dancers Wanted (experience not necessary)
Name of artist: Gilles Bonnecarrère
Additional contributor/s: n/a
Design: Manon Lutanie
Editor: Éditions Lutanie & Préféré
Series name: n/a
Press: Snel (Belgium)
Publication date: September 2013
Place of publication: Paris, France
Edition size: 400
Format: Softcover
Size: 26,8 x 31,7
Number of pages: 72 pages
Type of printing: offset
Name of printer: Snel (Belgium)
Number of pictures: 32
Price: 40 euros
Description of book: Male dancers wanted is a collection of previously unpublished photographs taken in a strip club in New York in 1976.
Press website: www.snel.be
Book soundtrack: n/a
- Title: Male Dancers Wanted