Title of publication: Strange Paradise
Name of artist: Charlie Rubin
Additional contributor/s: n/a
Design: Charlie Rubin , Christina Labey , Elana Schlenker , Jason Burstein
Editor: Charlie Rubin , Christina Labey
Series name: n/a
Press: Conveyor Editions
Publication date: Spring 2014
Place of publication: Jersey City, New Jersey
Edition size: 750
Format: Softcover, Foil Stamp on Linen Duplex to Fig Leaf Embossed Endsheets
Perfect Bound with Tape Embellishment
Size: 19 x 24.75cm
Number of pages: 60
Type of printing: 4 Color Printing / Digital Offset
Type of paper: Mohawk Superfine
Name of printer: Indigo
Number of pictures: 46
Price: $35 (USD)
Description of book: Strange Paradise ambles between the peculiar and the familiar, as Charlie Rubin works intuitively to create unexpected combinations with idiosyncratic logic. Taking perception as his waypoint, Rubin presents a kaleidoscopic body of work that explores the convergence of the actual and the artificial. While some photographs are manipulated, many are left unchanged, serving to pace and balance the work, and to further question what is real and what is altered.
The best thing about self-publishing: Making all of the decisions , small and large , to coincide with your vision.
Artist website: charlierubinstudio.com
Artist blog: charlierubin.tumblr.com
Press website: conveyoreditions.com
Book Soundtrack:
- Title: Strange Paradise