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Beheld by James William Murray

Title: Beheld
Artist: James William Murray

Additional contributor: Seán Padraic Birnie
Designer: James William Murray
Editor: James William Murray
Imprint: N/A
Printer: Stampa, Brighton, UK tipped in prints printed by Pure Print, Uckfield UK
Publication date and place: September 2015 / Brighton UK
Edition: 100
Format, binding: Softcover, saddle stitched
Size: 21 x 27.5
Number of pages and images: (39 pages / 20 images (6 tipped in prints)
Type of printing and paper: digital, standard 100gsm & Golden Star K Translucent 110gsm
Retail price: £30

Book Description: Beheld combines photograph, text works and documentation of my studio practice. The work explores notions of the idealised body and its representation in art history, finding its starting point in the story of the Corinthian Maid as told by Pliny The Elder (Natural History circa 77-79AD). Pliny’s allegorical tale locates the origin of art in the trauma of romantic loss and opens up a number of ideas to do with touch, trace, surface which informed the work.Each copy includes 6 tipped in prints, a sheet of 24k gold leaf, a free xerographic poster print and features an essay An Impossible Task: On James William Murray’s Beheld by Séan Padraic Birnie.

Book Soundtrack:

  • Title: Beheld
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