- Title: Popular Mechanics
- Artist: Agustin Zuluaga Olarte
- Designer: Agustin Zuluaga Olarte
- Editor: Agustin Zuluaga Olarte
- Publication date and place: October de 2017 / El Retiro / Colombia
- Edition: 1.000 copies printed.
- Format, binding: Folded and sewn to the easel
- Size: 14x20 cm
- Number of pages and images: 40 pages
- Type of printing and paper: offset/Bond 90gr
- Retail price: $ 10
Book description:LIFE IS BORN FREE.
The word is born free,
then it is censored and deleted.
The image is born free,
then it is censored and deleted.
The truth is born free,
then it is censored and deleted.
Humans are born free,
then they are censored and deleted.
Life is born free,
then it is censored and deleted.