- Title: (Use this to) Erase Years Off Your Mind in Days
- Artist: Sam Hutchinson
- Designer: Sam Hutchinson
- Editor: Self-Edited
- Imprint: Self-Published
- Printer: PageMasters, London
- Publication date and place: August 2018, Leeds, UK
- Edition: 100
- Format, binding: Softcover, sewn with reflective hi-vis thread
- Size: 150x210
- Number of pages and images: 48 pages, 38 images
- Type of printing and paper: risograph, munken lynx 100gsm
- Retail price: £10
Book description:'Erase Years Off Your Mind in Days' is a study highlighting potential outcomes of a dystopian future, where complicity in state ownership of the body and mind is both normalised and romanticised. Give yourself over. You will leave with a smile on your face.
You’ve found yourself in a digital age of capitalist targeted advertising and the ‘post truth’ phenomenon, where concerns are raised about the legitimacy of the online media, social control and manipulation of the masses. The following sponsored content has been appropriated from trusted sources, delegitimising its truth, and using its own propaganda tactics to shock and indoctrinate a set of belief systems into it’s audience.
You will believe that the commercial, capitalist forms of visual pollution can be taken, and used for yourself. Steal from those that can afford to be stolen from and claim it as your own. Make the internet great again.
Imagery taken and selected from 'clickbait' sponsored advertising found on online 'credible' media websites.