Carmen Winant, Arrangements, SPBH Editions
Hours & Location
Creative Morning: 4 November 2023, 10.30am – 2pm
My Body Politique: 5 November 2023, 3pm – 7pm
Ass. Apriti Cielo, via Sant’Uguzzone 26, 20126 Milan
Price: 30€ to 60€ per day for each workshop
Participants can decide the amount based on their means.
During the weekend of 4 and 5 November, Micha Stella will lead us in a journey of exploration focusing on our desires, the concept of consent, and practices associated with bodily liberation.
In today’s world, still steeped in binary, heteronormative, misogynistic, and sex-negative ideologies, each of us has been exposed, to varying degrees, to a form of brainwashing aimed at perpetuating archaic belief systems. These ideologies have had a tangible negative impact on both our physical beings and our individual and collective development. With a blend of playfulness and creativity, Micha Stella invites participants to share their stories, critically examine ingrained beliefs, challenge the prevailing culture and the education we have received, aiming to collectively discover new avenues of personal and communal freedom and pleasure.
The weekend is structured around two separate sessions. The first takes place on Saturday morning and is an extension of the Creative Mornings workshop, a mainstay at Berlin’s IKSK, Institute of Body Research and Sexual Culture. Creative Mornings is an inclusive experiment that melds artistic techniques, movement, and speech techniques, offering a platform to explore innovative ways of mutual interaction. Together, we will craft the tools needed for a graceful afternoon of enhanced body and desire awareness.
On Sunday afternoon, Stella will unveil a new workshop titled My Body Politique, designed to encourage participants to explore and embrace their gender identities playfully.
Participants are welcomed to register for either individual sessions or both.
For more information and to register, please email [email protected].
Micha Stella is a queer artist, mother, and director of Franco-Italian descent, residing in Berlin. Her work is a creative exploration of collective creative processes, gender, sexuality, activism, love, and relationships, approached with irony, eroticism, and a feminist lens. Beyond her exploration in bodily practices, acting techniques, yoga, dance, nutrition, meditation, and hypnosis, Micha facilitates workshops focusing on body-mind awareness, gender fluidity, personal growth, sexual empowerment, consent, and kink.
As the co-creative director and consultant at IKSK (Institute of Body Research and Sexual Culture in Berlin), Micha is involved in teaching, coordinating the team, and managing the visual and graphic design aspects. She is anchored in the belief that through collective and creative processes, coupled with heightened body-mind-soul awareness, it’s possible to transcend the shackles of patriarchy and turn a history of violent, traumatic, and sex-negative upbringing into a path of joyful recovery. Micha is convinced that by coming together, embracing our diversity with radical honesty, attentive listening, and empathy, we can carve out a path leading to a world where happiness and freedom reign supreme for all beings.